Price tags for basic postal services
How expensive are the basic supply requirements today and in ten years?

Die Schweizerische Post AG
Project period2023 – 2024
Related expertiseRegulation, Valuation, Strategy and Pricing, Telecommunications and Post, Data Science
TeamUrs Trinkner, Matthias Hafner, Eva Zuberbühler, Ramon Gmür, Nina Schnyder
ContactProject description
Swiss Post's basic service obligation is defined by law and requires the provision of a nationwide acceptance and delivery network. The project analyses which levers of the basic service obligation in delivery cause which long-term costs (price tags).
Swiss Economics is supporting Swiss Post in defining the hypothetical scenarios and calculating the resulting price tags up to the year 2030.
- Process cost-based costing with differentiation between variable and fixed cost components
- Clustering of delivery points
- GIS data processing and route optimisation for delivery points
- Sensitivity analyses
- Presentation at the 32nd Conference for Postal and Delivery Economics
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NOVA and platforms in public transport
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Damages assessment in an arbitration case
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Amendments to the methodology for determining the WACC for Swiss power grids
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Assessment of economic effects from UPC - Sunrise merger
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Railway power networks and fast charging of e-buses
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Effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus
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Benchmarking and cost driver analysis of German gas pipelines (EFG4)
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The Effects of the Corona Crisis on the regional Strategy of the Canton of Solothurn
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Net costs of the USO of tomorrow
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Regulation, costing and pricing of district heating
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DLT for Power
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Antitrust-compliant pricing
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Regulatory Impact Assessment on a cost target for the OKP
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Determination of track charges
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Regulatory impact assessment of different strategies for Bedag
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Assessment of unilateral effects in the context of a merger
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Assessment of economic effects from the UPC - Sunrise merger
Assessment of the effects from the merger between Sunrise and UPC on competition, including analysis of coordinated and non-coordinated effects.
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Determination of the efficient cost of capital for Dublin Airport
Swiss Economics advised the Irish Commission for Aviation Regulation on the appropriate return on capital in the context of its 2019 Determination of price caps for passenger tariffs at Dublin Airport
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Net costs of the USO in Ireland
Can the burden of the net cost of the universal service obligation in the Irish telecoms market be borne by the provider?
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Damage assessment for Sunrise
What are the damages resulting from a margin squeeze (abuse of a dominant position)?
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Platform- and Token Economics Applied to a Project in the Real Estate Industry
Neovate is developing an artificial intelligence platform (Wisp) that allows property residents to interact
- with the property unit’s appliances
- with the property management and,
- with a variety of the city’s local businesses.
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Platform and Monetary Economics for Verasity
Verasity developed the Proof-of-View blockchain technology and an ad-tech solution to prevent ad fraud on various video platforms. Furthermore, they created a platform for e-sport broadcasts with which they could also test their ad tech solution.
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Protocol Design Support for Havven (Synthetix)
Havven, rebranded as Synthetix, is a decentralized payment network enabling cryptocurrency purchases.
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Solving the Incentive Problem of the News Market with Spot
The incentives on the online news market got misaligned with the rise of search engines and online advertisements. In many cases, online news publishers are remunerated solely by online ad distributors. The value of news articles are therefore signaled by clicks. This leads to an overvaluation of clickbaits and an undervaluation of quality articles. This is the problem, Spot wants to solve with their solution.
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Storing and Managing Contacts with Envoy
Envoy built a cloud-based, AI-powered, decentralized application to manage and store networks of contacts securely. Through the launch of Envoy tokens they allow their users to commoditize and monetize their networks.
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Simulation of Monetary Policy Choices for
Cryptecon was contracted in 2018 to do simulations of monetary policy choices for, a blockchain-based IoT application.
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Guarantees of origin to strengthen incentives for investment in renewable energies
How can market-based incentives be set to ensure that sufficient investments are made in Swiss renewables?
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"Regulation brake" and regulation benchmarking
Can regulatory benchmarking contribute to "Better Regulation"?
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Benchmarking German power grids in light of decentralized power (EVS3)
How do increases in decentralized power affect the cost of local power grids? How high is the efficiency of German distribution system operators (DSOs)?
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Benchmarking European Electricity and Gas TSOs (TCB18)
How efficient are European electricity and gas transmission system operators (TSOs)?
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Non-discriminatory pricing
Assessment and design of a pricing model in compliance with antitrust law in the advertising industry.
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Long-term simulation of the Swiss railways infrastructure fund (BIF)
How will the Swiss railways infrastructure fund (BIF) evolve until 2050?
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Partial privatization of a state-owned enterprise
When and under what conditions does it make sense to privatise public companies?
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Introducing the SIEC test in Switzerland: Impact on merger control
Is the dominance test currently used in Switzerland for merger control still up to date?
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Cost driver analysis and benchmarking of German gas transmission system operators (EFG3)
What are the relevant cost drivers of gas pipelines? How efficient are the German gas transmission operators (TSOs) in the base year 2015?
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Benchmarking European gas transmission operators (e2GAS)
How efficient are European gas transmission system operators (TSOs)?
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Shared economy and traffic in Switzerland
What transport effects do new sharing services have? To what extent do new sharing approaches change people's mobility behaviour?
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Possible Applications of the Blockchain Technology in the Postal Sector
In 2013 to 2015 professionals from cryptecon were contracted to share their knowledge about cryptocurrencies with Postfinance, a Swiss bank.
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