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Projects (selection)

  • Impairment of a damaged asset (2024). Does a damaged asset have to be written off?  
  • Modelling of debt and capital structures (2024). What is the impact of debt structure and repayment schedule on cash flows, dividends and profit?  
  • Effect of price signals and government measures on electricity demand (2023 – 2024). How have end customers reacted to the rise in electricity prices? What role do government measures play? Client: State Secretariat of Economic Affairs SECO.  
  • Dublin Airport WACC (2022). Should Dublin Airport's regulatory WACC be amended in light of Covid-19? Client: Commission for Aviation Regulation (CAR).  
  • Support for the definition of the VNB Gas regulatory system in Austria (2022). How should the system for the new regulatory period for the Austrian gas distribution networks be defined? Client: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ).  
  • Determination of Xgen in Germany (2022 – 2023). Have German gas and electricity networks become more productive? At what level should the Xgen be set for the fourth regulatory period? Client: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA).  

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  • Damages assessment in an arbitration case (2020 – 2022). What is the damage arising from the enactment of new EC law on an affected business?  
  • Regulation, costing and pricing of district heating (2020). What are the cost drivers of district heating? What is a "fair" price for district heating? How should the governance and regulation for district heating networks look like? Client: Services Industriels de Genève (SIG), Office cantonal de l'énergie (OCEN).  

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Publications (selection)

  • Eschenbaum Nicolas, Habibulina Lilia, Sabotic Maida, de Luze Romain, Meyer de Stadelhofen Leah, Trinkner Urs (2024). Effect of price signals and regulations on electricity demand. Foundations for economic policy.  
  • Binz Tobias, Mattmann Matteo, Habibulina Lilia, Apreda Luca (2022). Dublin Airport Cost of Capital for 2022 Interim Review. Report for the Commission for Aviation Regulation.