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Projects (selection)

  • Regulatory impact assessment on centralisations in trade surveillance (2024). What are the economic effects of centralisations for reporting offices and trade monitoring in the Swiss financial centre? Client: State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF).  
  • Economic support in the merger of UBS and CS (2023). Economic support of the legal team in the merger proceedings of the two major Swiss banks before FINMA.  
  • Strategies for international letter mail (2023). What are the market trends and customer needs in international letter mail? How should the UPU respond? Client: UPU.  
  • Study on regulating interchange fees of Debit- and Credit Cards (2021). Is there a need for regulation in the area of interchange fees in the wake of the rapid growth of new debit cards? Client: Verband elektronischer Zahlungsverkehr.  
  • Economic Assessment of Climate Change Measures and Strategies (2021). How effective and efficient are cantonal climate measures and strategies? Client: Amt für Arbeit und Wirtschaft (AWA) des Kantons Zürich.  
  • The role of cross-subsidization for corporate financing (2021). How can cross-subsidies be classified? When is cross-subsidzation allowed and reasonable to corporate financing?  

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  • Protection against terrorism and pandemic risks (2021 – 2022). How can the German economy be protected against the systemic risks of terrorism and pandemics? Client: German Federal Ministry of Finance.  

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Publications (selection)

  • Gottschalk Felix, Trinkner Urs, Zuberbühler Eva (2023). Incentives of Compensating USO Net Costs. In: Parcu, P.L., Brennan, T.J., Glass, V. (eds) Postal Strategies. Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25362-1_10.