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Projects (selection)

  • WACC 2026 for Swiss electricity grids and renewable energies (2024 – 2025). What is the appropriate cost of capital for Swiss electricity grids and renewables for 2026? Client: Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Competitive analysis and due diligence of data centers (2024 – 2025). How is the market for data centers developing? How should a provider's existing business model be evaluated? What recommendations can be derived for business development?  
  • Developments in the electricity market (2024 – ). How has the Swiss electricity market developed in recent years? Client: Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).  
  • Asset Beta of two Indian Airports (2023 – 2024). How does the regulatory framework of an airport affect its exposure to market risk? Client: International Air Transport Association (IATA).  
  • WACC for Swiss electricity grids and renewable energies (2023 – 2024). How high should the financing cost rate for electricity grids and renewables be in future? Client: Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Effect of price signals and government measures on electricity demand (2023 – 2024). How have end customers reacted to the rise in electricity prices? What role do government measures play? Client: State Secretariat of Economic Affairs SECO.  

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  • Reversion of hydropower concessions (2023). What are the reversion strategies of the mountain cantons? What do they mean for the canton of Zurich? Is there a need for action? Client: Study for AWEL.  
  • Strategies for international letter mail (2023). What are the market trends and customer needs in international letter mail? How should the UPU respond? Client: UPU.  
  • Analyse de coûts et stratégie tarifaire pour le chauffage à distance en Valais central (2022 – 2023). A quel niveau devrait se situer le tarif du chauffage à distance en Valais central ? Client: OIKEN SA.