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Projects (selection)

  • Necessity and Key Elements of a Swiss Data and Digital Policy (2023). What are the main challenges for Swiss digital policy? How can these challenges be analyzed and classified economically?  
  • Analyse de coûts et stratégie tarifaire pour le chauffage à distance en Valais central (2022 – 2023). A quel niveau devrait se situer le tarif du chauffage à distance en Valais central ? Client: OIKEN SA.  
  • Structure and governance of a Swiss innovation fund (2021 – 2022). If Switzerland wants to introduce an innovation fund, how should it be structured? Client: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).  
  • Trusted data spaces (2020 – 2021). Swiss data governance: How to govern data spaces such that they are trusted by the public and enable innovation? Client: Bund.  
  • NOVA and platforms in public transport (2020 – 2021). How can the interests of public transport providers be taken into account in the NOVA platform? Client: Schweizer Verkehrsbetrieb.  
  • Railway power networks and fast charging of e-buses (2020 – 2021). What role(s) could SBB play in the domain of fast charging of e-buses and what could be the benefits for the whole economy? Client: SBB Energie.  

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  • Regulation, costing and pricing of district heating (2020). What are the cost drivers of district heating? What is a "fair" price for district heating? How should the governance and regulation for district heating networks look like? Client: Services Industriels de Genève (SIG), Office cantonal de l'énergie (OCEN).  

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Publications (selection)

  • Bruhin Lukas, Eschenbaum Nicolas, Finger Matthias, Trinkner Urs (2023). Necessity and Key Elements of a Swiss Data and Digital Policy. Swiss Economics.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Mattmann Matteo, Finger Matthias , Bruhin Lukas, Grichnik Dietmar, Greger Michael (2022). Options for a Swiss Innovation Fund. State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.  
  • Finger Matthias, Haller Andreas, Strube Martins Sonia, Trinkner Urs (2014). Integrated Timetables for Railway Passenger Transport Services. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 15(1), pp. 78 - 107.  
  • Finger Matthias, Trinkner Urs (2014). Wie weiter nach dem Paradigmenwechsel im Service public? / Services publics: où en est le changement de modèle? Die Volkswirtschaft 7/8-2014, pp. 34-37.  
  • Finger Matthias, Kern Markus, Strube Martins Sonia, Trinkner Urs (2012). Langfristige Sicherung von integrierten Taktfahrplänen. Study for the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB).  
  • Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs, Finger Matthias, Lang Markus, Lutzenberger Martin (2009). Umsetzungsvarianten einer aktiven öffentlichen FTTH-Policy für die Schweiz. Study for Sunrise.  

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  • Finger Matthias, Jaag Christian, Lang Markus, Lutzenberger Martin, Trinkner Urs (2009). Bestimmung des Regulierungsbedarfs aus ökonomischer Sicht: Angemessenheit und Folgen einer funktionalen oder strukturellen Trennung von Swisscom. Study for Swisscom.  
  • Finger Matthias, Horner Samuel, Jaag Christian, Lutzenberger Martin, Trinkner Urs (2009). Konzept eines homogenen Berechnungsmodells zur Ermittlung des qualitativen Nutzens und der Wirtschaftlichkeit von E-Government-Vorhaben. Swiss Economics presents a concept for the evaluation of e-government projects.  
  • Mägli Martin, Jaag Christian, Finger Matthias (2009). Coûts de la régulation des industries de réseaux: enseignements du réseau postal. Revue d'économie industrielle 127(3).  
  • Finger Matthias, Trinkner Urs (2008). Does a liberalized postal market need a sector specific regulator? Network Industries Quarterly 10(1), 18-19.