Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
You would like to understand your cost structure, benchmark efficiency or measure productivity. We support you with informative cost analysis, benchmarking, and performance measurement:
Cost structure assessment. We quantitatively assess your cost structure, identify cost drivers, compute economies of scale, scope and density and highlight how you can take advantage of it.
Internal benchmarking. Using state-of-the-art econometric methods, we evaluate the efficiency of your production units.
Competitive benchmarking. We identify best practices in your sector and advise you on how to improve your efficiency.
Productivity measurement. We measure productivity based on econometric methods, Malmquist or Törnqvist-Indexes.
Dr. Urs Trinkner
Urs Trinkner is the Managing Director of Swiss Economics and Lecturer at the University of Zurich.
Selected Projects
Benchmarking and cost driver analysis of German power grids (EVS4)
What are the main cost drivers of power grids? How efficient are German distribution system operators (DSOs)?
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Environmental impacts of DLT-applications
How resource and energy efficient are different DLT applications?
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Feasibility analysis for benchmarking in the hospital sector
How could benchmarking be implemented in the hospital sector?
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Support for the definition of the VNB Gas regulatory system in Austria
How should the system for the new regulatory period for the Austrian gas distribution networks be defined?
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Determination of Xgen in Germany
Have German gas and electricity networks become more productive? At what level should the Xgen be set for the fourth regulatory period?
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Reference net analysis of german electricity transmission system operators
How efficient are German transmission system operators (TSOs)?
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Benchmarking European electricity and gas transmission (TCB21)
How efficient are European electricity and gas transmission system operators?
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Effectiveness and costs of corona measures and optimal level of intervention
How effective are non-pharmaceutical measures in containing the coronavirus and how high are the costs of specific measures?
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Effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus
How effective are non-pharmaceutical measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus?
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Benchmarking and cost driver analysis of German gas pipelines (EFG4)
What are the relevant cost drivers of gas pipelines? How efficient are the German gas transmission operators in the photo year 2020?
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"Regulation brake" and regulation benchmarking
Can regulatory benchmarking contribute to "Better Regulation"?
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Benchmarking German power grids in light of decentralized power (EVS3)
How do increases in decentralized power affect the cost of local power grids? How high is the efficiency of German distribution system operators (DSOs)?
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Benchmarking European Electricity and Gas TSOs (TCB18)
How efficient are European electricity and gas transmission system operators (TSOs)?
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Cost driver analysis and benchmarking of German gas transmission system operators (EFG3)
What are the relevant cost drivers of gas pipelines? How efficient are the German gas transmission operators (TSOs) in the base year 2015?
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Benchmarking European gas transmission operators (e2GAS)
How efficient are European gas transmission system operators (TSOs)?
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Efficiency comparison of electricity distribution system operators in the fourth regulatory period (EVS4)
Report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur
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Comparator Betas for French airports
Report on behalf of Autorité de régulation des transports
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Study on drivers of airport Beta risk
Report on behalf of Autorité de régulation des transports
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Dominance analysis for German gas transmission system operators
Expert report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur
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Dublin Airport Cost of Capital for 2019 Determination
Report for the Commission for Aviation Regulation
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Benchmarking of German Electricity Distribution System Operators
Report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur
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Effective implementation of incentive regulations
Umweltschutz der Wirtschaft, issue 4/18-19, p. 33-34
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Regulierungssystematik für die vierte Regulierungsperiode VNB Strom
Expert report on behalf of the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ)
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Kostentreiberanalyse und Effizienzvergleich der Gasfernleitungsnetzbetreiber - Gutachten für die dritte Regulierungsperiode
Report for Bundesnetzagentur
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Economies of Scale and Scope and Opening Hours in Post Offices and Agencies
In: Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector, edited by M.A. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
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