Regulatory Impact Assessment
Regulatory impact assessments serve to analyze the economic effects of planned regulations by the federal government, the cantons, or the municipalities. A regulatory impact assessment takes a forward-looking perspective and helps to improve legislation.
Swiss Economics conducts independent regulatory impact assessments based on the established methods by SECO. We develop intended impact models and assess the effects of regulation on stakeholders. In addition, we quantify the impact on the economy as a whole and identify alternative regulations that can achieve the intended goals more effectively and efficiently.
We conduct regulatory impact assessments in the following areas:
Regulatory impact assessments for federal proposals. Among other things, a regulatory impact assessment is mandatory for dispatches, consultation documents and ordinances of the Federal Council. Depending on the strength of the expected economic impact, a simple or in-depth regulatory impact assessment is required. In both cases, we carry out the assessment using the federal government's analysis methods.
Regulatory impact assessments for proposals of other regional authorities. Cantons also have requirements regarding regulatory impact assessments. In addition to assessing the impact of cantonal proposals, a regulatory impact assessment can also provide valuable insights into the economic consequences of regulations at the municipal level. In every case, we adapt the analytical guidelines of the federal government to the respective situation.
Projects (selection)
Economic Evaluation of temporary agency work
How do existing and potential regulations of temporary agency work affect individual stakeholder and the economy as a whole?
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Regulatory impact assessment on centralisations in trade surveillance
What are the economic effects of centralisations for reporting offices and trade monitoring in the Swiss financial centre?
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Legal protection for journalistic content on the internet
On behalf of the Institute of Intellectual Property, Swiss Economics conducted a regulatory impact assessment on the introduction of legal protection for journalistic services on the internet.
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Economic analysis of the partial revision of the RTVO
Is the partial revision of the Radio and Television Ordinance (RTVO) economically justified and sensible?
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Economic Assessment of Climate Change Measures and Strategies
How effective and efficient are cantonal climate measures and strategies?
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Regulatory impact assessment on critical energy infrastructure
What are the implications of making critical Swiss energy infrastructure subject to "Lex Koller"?
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Regulatory Impact Assessment on a cost target for the OKP
What is the impact of a cost target on the development of the costs of mandatory health care insurance (OKP)?
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Regulatory impact assessment of different strategies for Bedag
How do the different strategic options for Bedag Information AG need to be assessed?
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Introducing the SIEC test in Switzerland: Impact on merger control
Is the dominance test currently used in Switzerland for merger control still up to date?
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Gesundheitssystem: Kostenverantwortung durch Zielvorgaben stärken
Die Volkswirtschaft, 12/2021, S. 61
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RFA zu einer Zielvorgabe für die Kostenentwicklung in der OKP
Regulierungsfolgenabschätzung für das Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) und das Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO)
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RFA zu strategischen Energieinfrastrukturen
Regulierungsfolgenabschätzung für das Bundesamt für Energie (BFE)
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Volkswirtschaftliche Analyse der Strategievarianten für die Bedag Informatik AG
Gutachten im Auftrag der Finanzdirektion des Kantons Bern.
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