You would like to play an active role in shaping your sector's regulation and effectively advance your position. We support you in developing your regulatory framework with:
- Development and implementation of regulatory strategies
- Regulatory impact assessments from an economic or business perspective
- Design and implementation of price-, incentive- and cost regulations incl. determination of WACC, operator efficiency (Xind) and sectorial productivity (Xgen)
- Network access and interconnection issues
- Market regulation and market design
- Universal service regulation incl. design, allocation, costing and financing
- Institutional design and governance
Dr. Urs Trinkner
Urs Trinkner is the Managing Director of Swiss Economics and Lecturer at the University of Zurich.
Selected projects
Securing investments to integrate Switzerland into the European hydrogen transportation network
What is the investment need for a Swiss connection to the European hydrogen network? How could funding mechanisms look like? How can investments be secured?
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International developments in ESG and their impact on Swiss SME
Increasingly comprehensive rules on sustainability reporting and due diligence apply in the EU. What does this mean for Switzerland and its SMEs?
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Cashflow Currencies and Capital Costs
How do currencies affect the risk exposure of an airport or ANSP?
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Developments in the electricity market
How has the Swiss electricity market developed in recent years?
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Assessment of new electricity legislations
What are the critical points of the ordinances on the overarching decree?
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Benchmarking and cost driver analysis of German power grids (EVS4)
What are the main cost drivers of power grids? How efficient are German distribution system operators (DSOs)?
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Economic Evaluation of temporary agency work
How do existing and potential regulations of temporary agency work affect individual stakeholder and the economy as a whole?
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Asset Beta of two Indian Airports
How does the regulatory framework of an airport affect its exposure to market risk?
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Flat-rate tariff systems in the outpatient sector
How does a flat-rate system differ from an individual service tariff in terms of a number of important assessment criteria?
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WACC for Swiss electricity grids and renewable energies
How high should the financing cost rate for electricity grids and renewables be in future?
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Environmental impacts of DLT-applications
How resource and energy efficient are different DLT applications?
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Effect of price signals and government measures on electricity demand
How have end customers reacted to the rise in electricity prices? What role do government measures play?
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Reversion of hydropower concessions
What are the reversion strategies of the mountain cantons? What do they mean for the canton of Zurich? Is there a need for action?
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Supply Tasks, Capitalisation & Governance of a Market Area Manager
Should the future market area manager in the Swiss gas market take on tasks related to supply security? If yes, how should the market area manager be capitalized, and how should the governance be structured?
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Project support for a revision of the law
What are economically sensible thresholds for state intervention?
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Revenue opportunities Swiss hydropower
What are the revenue opportunities for different hydropower plants in Switzerland? What role do the various sales options such as spot, futures, ancillary services, capacity and proof-of-origin markets play?
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Price tags for basic postal services
How expensive are the basic supply requirements today and in ten years?
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Audit of a forecast model of the cost impact of standardised financing in the healthcare system (EFAS)
How would the standardised reimbursement of ambulatory, inpatient and nursing care services (EFAS) affect insurers?
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Market Power in Energy Platforms and Artificial Intelligence
From an economics perspective, what challenges do energy platforms pose? What role does artificial intelligence play in this context?
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Measures against high energy prices for a canton
Should a canton react in the event of persistently high energy prices? If so, how and when?
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Strategies for international letter mail
What are the market trends and customer needs in international letter mail? How should the UPU respond?
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Necessity and Key Elements of a Swiss Data and Digital Policy
What are the main challenges for Swiss digital policy? How can these challenges be analyzed and classified economically?
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Assessing the opportunity costs of hydropower reserve providers
What are appropriate bids for the hydropower reserve?
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How can the cost of capital be set in a project- or company-specific manner in a pragmatic but coherent way?
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Measures against high energy prices
What measures are being discussed at EU and Swiss level to combat high energy prices? Which of these are relevant for Switzerland? What measures could Switzerland take?
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Reference network analysis and cost driver analysis of electric utilities
Looking ahead to the energy transition, what are potentially suitable comparison parameters for an efficiency comparison?
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Dublin Airport WACC
Should Dublin Airport's regulatory WACC be amended in light of Covid-19?
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Economic monitoring of legislative work
How should the legal framework be adapted to enable sustainable development?
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Analyse de coûts et stratégie tarifaire pour le chauffage à distance en Valais central
A quel niveau devrait se situer le tarif du chauffage à distance en Valais central ?
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Feasibility analysis for benchmarking in the hospital sector
How could benchmarking be implemented in the hospital sector?
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Support for the definition of the VNB Gas regulatory system in Austria
How should the system for the new regulatory period for the Austrian gas distribution networks be defined?
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Determination of Xgen in Germany
Have German gas and electricity networks become more productive? At what level should the Xgen be set for the fourth regulatory period?
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Study on regulating interchange fees of Debit- and Credit Cards
Is there a need for regulation in the area of interchange fees in the wake of the rapid growth of new debit cards?
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Reference net analysis of german electricity transmission system operators
How efficient are German transmission system operators (TSOs)?
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The role of cross-subsidization for corporate financing
How can cross-subsidies be classified? When is cross-subsidzation allowed and reasonable to corporate financing?
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Connecting renewable energies to distribution grids
How do distribution system operators (DSOs) assess the connection of renewable energies? Is there a need for harmonization?
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Benchmarking European electricity and gas transmission (TCB21)
How efficient are European electricity and gas transmission system operators?
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Cooperation Partner for SWEET PATHFNDR
What are PATHways to an efficient future energy system through flexibility and sector coupling?
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Trusted data spaces
Swiss data governance: How to govern data spaces such that they are trusted by the public and enable innovation?
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Effectiveness and costs of corona measures and optimal level of intervention
How effective are non-pharmaceutical measures in containing the coronavirus and how high are the costs of specific measures?
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NOVA and platforms in public transport
How can the interests of public transport providers be taken into account in the NOVA platform?
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Damages assessment in an arbitration case
What is the damage arising from the enactment of new EC law on an affected business?
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Amendments to the methodology for determining the WACC for Swiss power grids
How should the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of Swiss power grids be determined?
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Railway power networks and fast charging of e-buses
What role(s) could SBB play in the domain of fast charging of e-buses and what could be the benefits for the whole economy?
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Benchmarking and cost driver analysis of German gas pipelines (EFG4)
What are the relevant cost drivers of gas pipelines? How efficient are the German gas transmission operators in the photo year 2020?
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Net costs of the USO of tomorrow
What are the net costs of the postal universal service obligation (USO) today and in ten years?
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Regulation, costing and pricing of district heating
What are the cost drivers of district heating? What is a "fair" price for district heating? How should the governance and regulation for district heating networks look like?
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Antitrust-compliant pricing
Assessment of the antitrust-compliance of a new pricing model in the energy sector
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Regulatory Impact Assessment on a cost target for the OKP
What is the impact of a cost target on the development of the costs of mandatory health care insurance (OKP)?
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Determination of track charges
How can track user charges for rail freight services be determined? How can they be implemented in practice?
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Regulatory impact assessment of different strategies for Bedag
How do the different strategic options for Bedag Information AG need to be assessed?
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Assessment of unilateral effects in the context of a merger
Assessment of unilateral effects in the context of a merger for a professional association.
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Determination of the efficient cost of capital for Dublin Airport
Swiss Economics advised the Irish Commission for Aviation Regulation on the appropriate return on capital in the context of its 2019 Determination of price caps for passenger tariffs at Dublin Airport
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Net costs of the USO in Ireland
Can the burden of the net cost of the universal service obligation in the Irish telecoms market be borne by the provider?
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Guarantees of origin to strengthen incentives for investment in renewable energies
How can market-based incentives be set to ensure that sufficient investments are made in Swiss renewables?
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"Regulation brake" and regulation benchmarking
Can regulatory benchmarking contribute to "Better Regulation"?
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Benchmarking German power grids in light of decentralized power (EVS3)
How do increases in decentralized power affect the cost of local power grids? How high is the efficiency of German distribution system operators (DSOs)?
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Benchmarking European Electricity and Gas TSOs (TCB18)
How efficient are European electricity and gas transmission system operators (TSOs)?
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Partial privatization of a state-owned enterprise
When and under what conditions does it make sense to privatise public companies?
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Cost driver analysis and benchmarking of German gas transmission system operators (EFG3)
What are the relevant cost drivers of gas pipelines? How efficient are the German gas transmission operators (TSOs) in the base year 2015?
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Benchmarking European gas transmission operators (e2GAS)
How efficient are European gas transmission system operators (TSOs)?
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Shared economy and traffic in Switzerland
What transport effects do new sharing services have? To what extent do new sharing approaches change people's mobility behaviour?
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Economic Evaluation of temporary agency work
How do existing and potential regulations of temporary agency work affect individual stakeholder and the economy as a whole?
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Dynamic electricity tariffs - how can they become more attractive for households and SMEs?
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 12/2024, Seiten 57-63
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Softening the Blow: US State-Level Banking Deregulation and Sectoral Reallocation after the China Trade Shock
Published in the Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics, Volume 2, Number 3, September 2024
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Entry in parcel markets: applying Fudenberg and Tirole’s taxonomy
Book chapter on the microeconomic foundation of different business strategies in parcel markets
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Efficiency comparison of electricity distribution system operators in the fourth regulatory period (EVS4)
Report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur
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Strengthening price signals in the electricity market
Die Volkswirtschaft, Februar 2024
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Effect of price signals and regulations on electricity demand
Study for the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
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GasVG: Market Area Manager and Security of Supply Tasks
Study for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)
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Reversion of hydropower concessions
Background study for the AWEL of the canton of Zurich
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Revenue opportunities and marketing costs of hydropower
Study on behalf of Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)
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Incentives of Compensating USO Net Costs
Book chapter in Postal Strategies (2023). Parcu P., Brennan T., Glass V. (eds). Springer, Cham.
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Retention Ratios in Retail Networks and Their Application to Post Offices
Book chapter in The Postal and Delivery Contribution in Hard Times (2023). Parcu P., Brennan T., Glass V. (eds). Springer, Cham.
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Dublin Airport Cost of Capital for 2022 Interim Review
Report for the Commission for Aviation Regulation
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Net Costs of Universal Service Provision: Challenges for the Coming Decade
Book chapter in "The Economics of the Postal and Delivery Sector" (2022). Parcu P., Brennan T., Glass V. (eds). Springer, Cham.
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Regulation of debit and credit cards
Study for the Verband elektronischer Zahlungsverkehr
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Regulatory Impact Assessment on cost targets
Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
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Regulatory impact assessment on critical energy infrastructure
Regulatory impact assessment for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy
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Universal services and state-owned enterprises in Liechtenstein
Baseline study on universal services and public service provision for the Liechtestein Think Tank ""
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How do firm and market characteristics affect airports' Beta risk?
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries. 2020;21(3):297-312
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Funding the USO: Cross-Subsidization and Net Cost Balancing
Book chapter in "The Changing Postal Environment. Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy." Parcu P., Brennan T., Glass V. (eds). Springer, Cham.
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Factors influencing everyday mobility and travel
Research Project on behalf of SVI (Schweizerische Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten).
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Comparator Betas for French airports
Report on behalf of Autorité de régulation des transports
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Study on drivers of airport Beta risk
Report on behalf of Autorité de régulation des transports
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Dominance analysis for German gas transmission system operators
Expert report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur
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Institutional design of the Swiss rail market
Book chapter on improving the instiutional setting of the rail market in Switzerland.
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Market-based incentives for local electricity production
Die Volkswirtschaft, 10/2019, S. 62-64.
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Dublin Airport Cost of Capital for 2019 Determination
Report for the Commission for Aviation Regulation
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Benchmarking of German Electricity Distribution System Operators
Report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur
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Effective implementation of incentive regulations
Umweltschutz der Wirtschaft, issue 4/18-19, p. 33-34
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Shared Economy and Traffic in Switzerland
Research project for the Swiss Association of Transportation Engineers and Experts (SVI)
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Regulierungssystematik für die vierte Regulierungsperiode VNB Strom
Expert report on behalf of the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ)
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Einführung des SIEC-Tests: Auswirkungen auf die Schweizer Fusionskontrolle
Study for the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
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Umgang mit bestehenden Kraftwerken zur Sicherstellung der Versorgungssicherheit in der Schweiz
Study for Bundesamt für Energie (BFE)
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Benchmarking European Gas Transmission System Operators
Study for CEER (Council of European Energy Regulators)
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Festlegung des Finanzierungskostensatzes 'WACC' für Gas-Fernnetzbetreiber
Expert report for the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ)
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Auswirkungen der Initiative -Pro Service public
Study for Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Berggebiete (SAB) and Schweizerischer Gemeindeverband (SGV)
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Zukünftige Energiemärkte und die Rolle der Netzbetreiber
Study for Bundesamt für Energie (BFE)
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Erfahrungen mit der Strommarktöffnung in der EU / Les enseignements tirés de la libéralisation du marché de l'électricité dans l'UE
Die Volkswirtschaft 1/2-2015, pp. 58-61
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Market Regulations and USO in the Revised Swiss Postal Act: Provisions and Authorities
In: Postal and Delivery Innovation in the Digital Economy. Edited by M. Crew and T. Brennan, Springer, pp. 301-312
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Postal Sector Policy: From Monopoly to Regulated Competition and Beyond
Utilities Policy 31, pp. 266-277
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Regulation and the Burden of the Net Cost Resulting from Universal Service Obligations
In: The Role Of The Postal And Delivery Sector In A Digital Age. Edited by M. Crew and T. Brennan, Edward Elgar, pp. 204-213
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Price Regulation and the Financing of Universal Services in Network Industries
Review of Law and Economics 9(1), pp. 125-150
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Competition and the social cost of regulation in the postal sector
In: Reforming the Postal Sector in the Face of Electronic Competition. Edited by M. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Edward Elgar, pp. 294-305
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Termination charges in the international parcel market
In: Reforming the Postal Sector in the Face of Electronic Competition. Edited by M. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Edward Elgar, pp. 277-293
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Möglichkeiten eines gemeinsam definierten Universaldienst Post und Telekommunikation aus ökonomischer und juristischer Sicht
Study on behalf of German Federal Parliament
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Anbieter gleich behandeln
Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 92(1), 4-5
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Ein kohärenter Regulierungsrahmen für den Schienengüterverkehr in der Schweiz
In: Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Verkehrswirtschaft. C. Lässer, T. Bieger and R. Maggi (Hrsg.), 2011, 97-114
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Impact of VAT-Exemptions in the Postal Sector on Competition and Welfare
In: Reinventing the Postal Sector in an Electronic Age. Edited by M. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Edward Elgar, 267-280
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Postal Markets and Electronic Substitution: Implications for Regulatory Practices and Institutions in Europe
Journal for Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 4, 382-397
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Regulatory risk in the tendering of rail lines
Network Industries Quarterly 12(3), 17-19
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Universal Service Auctions in Liberalized Postal Markets
In: Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector, edited by M.A. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
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Umsetzungsvarianten einer aktiven öffentlichen FTTH-Policy für die Schweiz
Study for Sunrise
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Regulating the Mail Market
Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, ISBN 3838107888
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Bestimmung des Regulierungsbedarfs aus ökonomischer Sicht: Angemessenheit und Folgen einer funktionalen oder strukturellen Trennung von Swisscom
Study for Swisscom
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Coûts de la régulation des industries de réseaux: enseignements du réseau postal
Revue d'économie industrielle 127(3)
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Tendering Universal Service Obligations in Liberalized Network Industries
Journal for Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 10(4), 313-332
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Bottleneck regulation in telecommunications, railways and post
Network Industries Quarterly 11(3), 3-6
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Neue Postrichtlinie: Spielräume der Mitgliedstaaten bei der Umsetzung, Konsequenzen für den Binnenmarkt und Folgen für die Schweizer Postpolitik
In: Aktuelle Entwicklungen des Europäischen und Internationalen Wirtschaftsrechts, Band XI, C. Baudenbacher (Hrsg.), Helbing und Lichtenhahn, 337-424
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Does a liberalized postal market need a sector specific regulator?
Network Industries Quarterly 10(1), 18-19
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Liberalization and Regulation of the Swiss Letter Market
In: Regulatory and Economic Challenges in the Postal and Delivery Sector, M. A. Crew and P. R. Kleindorfer (Hrsg.), Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 53-72
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